logo of JUnit test-case-administration JUnit test-case-administration (junittca)

The JUnit test-case-administration (junittca) summarizes test-classes, runs the tests and saves the result for a detailed view.

Download it here: download . It includes the libs of db4o 6.1, JUnit 4.4 and log4j 1.2.14.

It runs test-classes with JUnit 4 in a GUI (graphical user interface). Therefore the user has to create a project with a name and class-path. Test-classes can be add by dialog-choose or by search in the defined class-path. The result from JUnit-run will be saved in the project. Later you can watch the result and compare it to other results.

Getting Started

Start the program:

  1. Unpack the zip-File.
  2. Start it with:

Run your first test-class:

  1. Enter a name for a new project-file.
  2. Enter a new project-name.
  3. Enter a class-path.
  4. Search for test-classes in the defined class-path.
  5. Run it with the according button!

Opportunities Of Junittca

Why should you use this software?

Since JUnit 4, there is no GUI more included in the framework. The developers of JUnit said that this could be done by the IDEs like Eclipse or Netbeans. But if you look at both you will find less support of JUnit 4. (Netbeans 5.5 doesn't support it. Eclipse support it with standard possibilities, but it can only run one test-class.)

There are some interesting opportunities:


The user documentation is here available.

Related Diploma Thesis

You can download the related diploma thesis which has been finished in August 2007. In this thesis the development of the test-case-administration is described.

It is only in german published: download

Further Development

At the moment it will only get a few little improvements. So version 0.8.2 is not far, it will released in september.

My plannings for 0.8.3:

My planning for the future:


Author: Bernd Steindorff

E-mail: radderzeit >>at<< gmx >>dot<< de , please note as subject: junittca

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