Documentation for logo of JUnit test-case-administration JUnit test-case-administration (junittca)

The JUnit test-case-administration (junittca) summarizes test-classes, runs the tests and saves the result for a detailed view.

Don't be irritated about the graphics with german labels, they will removed with version 0.8.2.

This is the documentation for the JUnit test-case-administration in version 0.8.1. For more general informations look on the homepage of junittca .

Basic GUIs

The basic GUI (graphical user interface) works with the Java Standard Edition and uses the Swing library.

The basic frame is:

basic frame

The menue below (red border) offers actions with the project-file and the projects.


The control-panel below (red border) offers actions for the project.

The control-panel will be shown for the complete runtime. There is a field for the project-name and a table with the saved test-runs situated. It offers four buttons: run tests, show test-classes, show history (of a run) and show comparison (of two runs).


The central-panel has three views:

The graphic below shows the central-panel (red border) with the class-view.



The user has some possible actions in the test-case-administration:


start file choose

If you start the program you have to select a database-file (extension .yap) or give in a new name for the database-file. Then you have to choose a project or start a new one by entering a file-name.

Create new project-file

create project file

To open a project-file go into the menue "File / New project-file". Then you have to enter a file-name.

Open project-file

open file choose

To open a project-file go into the menue "File / New project-file". Then you have to choose a project-file.

Create new project

new project

To create a new project go into the menue "Project / New" or press (ctrl + n) (or you create a new file / open a file with no project). Then you have to enter a project-name.

Open project

project choose

To open a project go into the menue "Project / Open" or press (ctrl + o) (if you are at the start you don't have to do this). Then choose a project from the list and press OK.

Save project

To save a project go into the menue "Project / Save" or press (ctrl + s). If it is successfull you will get a message, otherwise an exception-message.

Add / remove test-classes

add and remove test-classes from a class-path

To add and remove test-classes you need to be in the view "central-panel classes". Before you start you have to define a class-path to fnd the test-classes (blue border). You can enter a class-path with the normal the normal seperator of your operating system. Also you can choose one with the button "choose path". The choosen path will append to the defined path.

To add all test-classes from the class-path just press "+ classes from class-path". Then all classes in the defined path will be add to the project. All classes will be checked if they contain JUnit4-tests. If you press "+ classes direct" you can choose one or more files. If they are in the class-path and contain JUnit4-tests they will be add to the project.

To remove test-classes you can press the button "- all classes". Then all classes will be removed from the project. Also you can check some classes in the table right and remove them by "- marked classes".

Actually there were two static pattern included to find test-classes: "Test.*\\.class$" and "Test.*\\.class$". In one of the next version you could define your own search-pattern.

Run tests

run tests

To run the test-classes press the button "run tests" (red border). An overwiew of the result will shown in the control-panel (blue border) on the left side. The detailed result is shown in the central-panel (blue border) on the rigt side.

Show classes / history / comparison

There are three views for the central-panel. The control-panel will be shown always. The three views are:

show classes

To see the test-classes (graphic upon) press the button "show classes" (red border).

show history

To see the history of a JUnit-result (graphic upon) check one result and press the button "show history" (both red border).

show comparison

To see a comparison of two JUnit-results (graphic upon) check two results and press the button "show comparison" (both red border). Logo